F*** THE SUGAR - Sales Team sucht Verstärkung!

ID: 35340

F*** THE SUGAR ist die innovative food/baverage Marke von Ludwegs - und ergänzt perfekt unser Zuckerentzugsprogramm.


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Wir suchen freie Handelsagenten um unsere völlig neue, innovative und stark wachsende food/baverage Marke im Einzelhandel, Gastronomie, Tankstellen, Kinos usw. zu platzieren. Auch unser Entzugsprogramm - erhältlich im App Store und Google Play Store - soll an Nutzer weiterempfohlen werden.

Product Ranges and Products

Foodstuffs, Wines, Liquors:  Alcohol-free beverages, Confectionery

Customers and Target Groups

Banks, insurance companies, Consumer market, End-consumer, Food and beverage industry, luxury foods industry, tobacco, Hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, Industrial kitchens, canteens, cafeterias, caterers, Institutions of higher learning, schools, daycares, nurseries, Medical supply stores, Municipalities, local authorities, public services, Nursing homes, long-term care centres, Physicians’ offices, pharmacies, laboratories, Restaurants, hotels, Retail trade (with outlets or branches), Retail trade (without outlets or branches), Wholesale

Sales Region
